News Editor Responds to Tattoo Article Criticism

This has definitely been a crazy week for The Hope Blog, we received over 100k hits this week, 65k on Thursday alone, in response to the article we reposted from Lisa Khoury. As we were trying to moderate over 1,100 comments and watching an article go viral over the internet we couldn’t help but wonder just how many emails the article’s author was getting. Well now we know – Lisa responds with “The Day I Met the Internet”



I woke up today and had 938 hate mails, 646 nasty Facebook comments, and dozens of mean-spirited tweets.

I’m a 19-year-old college sophomore, I help run my family’s restaurant, I’m a writer and editor at my school’s newspaper, and a woman from Australia says I’m “sexist.” A professor from the University of Illinois wonders about my mental stability. A man double my age is calling me “ugly.”

In the past 48 hours, authors, war veterans, mothers of small children have told me I’m ignorant, worthless, brainwashed, classless, disgusting, hypocritical, and judgmental.

A man from New Zealand called me bigoted, self-righteous, conservative rubbish. Twenty-one emails within the last 24 hours addressed me as a cunt. My inbox was flooded with dozens of men and women who called me a dumb bitch, and one man only sent me two words: “stupid cow.”

These people I have never met attacked my family and how I was raised. They accused me of trying to play God, and one woman even told me I reminded her of Hitler during the Holocaust.

My crime?

I wrote an opinion piece about tattoos for Monday’s Spectrum. As a female, I took the woman’s stance and said I’m beautiful without a tattoo.

My piece served as a counterpoint to my colleague’s column about why she loves tattoos.  My piece went viral online.

Blogs devoted to tattoos featured it, tweeted it, posted it and decried it as sexist and everything that is closed-minded about America today.

In 48 hours, my article got 25,000 hits, which is a new Spectrumrecord. It made it on over 200 Facebook statuses and was all over the Internet, including on tumblr, and

My journalist friends told me not to worry. All readers are good readers, they said. Bad news is good news.

I’m not so sure.

“Lisa Khoury, you’re what’s wrong with the world,” one site read. And “News editor says tattoos are classless and worthless.”

All this hate has shaken me.

I never meant to be vindictive toward an entire subculture. That’s why its response was so unexpected to me. Its words were different; it wanted to eviscerate me.

I am sorry to anyone who took my words as a personal attack. I am sorry to anyone who felt disrespected in any way. This column was meant to express my opinion and explain how I live, not to tell you that my way of life is in any way superior to yours.

I was misinterpreted. These strangers have slowly and in the most painful way possible ripped me to shreds within the past 48 hours.

Their hate will be tattooed in me for a long time, but only as a learning lesson.

I’m still learning about journalism, and this was my first-ever opinion column. I wrote the column, entitled, “Why Put a Bumper Sticker on a Ferrari?” because my colleague asked if I wanted to counter her column.

Our articles ran side by side. Some of the people who hate me so much attacked me for not showing the other side of the argument about tattoos. That wasn’t my job.

Many points, especially about feminism, were taken out of context and turned into something demeaning. My point about my body having “the ability to turn heads” stemmed from the fact that I wasn’t the healthiest teenager, so when I learned more about health and fitness after high school, I found meaning in that. Not because I was becoming skinnier (for the record, I in no way find myself slim), but I found that I was setting goals for myself, and, for once, achieving them. I felt happier because I felt healthier. Each day I felt like I would live a longer life, and my future kids wouldn’t have to worry about their mom dying from smoking cigarettes or not exercising regularly, the way I worry about my parents.

The whole clothes thing? Well, when I lost weight, yeah, I was actually interested in dressing myself for once. Do I wear tight fitted clothes every day to school for the aesthetic, sexual pleasure of the men around me? Eww. I wore the same jeans for about 17 years and recently discovered there are other styles out there for me to try out, I guess what I was getting at was perceived as something much more shallow to my readers.

My tattoo column, along with its counter point, was supposed to generate a discussion about tattoos. That’s what journalism does. It continues the conversation people are having among themselves – at least that is what my instructors say.

But no one was conversing about my points. Instead, they were taking certain lines out of context, and it was no longer a conversation, but an appalling backlash.

This horror of a week has taught me life-long lessons. First, I said hello to the power of the Internet. My column – ripped from its context next to my colleague’s – became something entirely different online. And I – a reserved, thoughtful college student – became faceless. That made me an easy target for people’s rage.

For the record, not a single mean comment came from readers of the paper. No one wrote hateful messages to The Spectrum. It all came from outside. And it all came directly at me.

That leads me to the second thing this week has taught me, a lesson about the power of words. If my words hurt people enough to generate an entire subculture to attack me personally, then how did I make them feel?

If I had the column to write over again, would I do it differently? Sure. I’d keep my argument, but I’d be more careful about phrasing. I’d try not to sound judgmental or sound as though I’m sitting on my high horse. I know now how effective words can be and how artfully they should be chosen.

I also know how much pain words can cause. People often say journalists are callous. Not me. Never me. Not after this.

It’s a life lesson in what words can do, what the Internet can do, and – most of all – a lesson for me to never do what other people did to me. As a writer, I have jump-started my career with a valuable lesson: think about what you write before you write it – on paper, online, and in cyberspace. You never know what tattoo blog might pick it up one day…

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48 Responses to News Editor Responds to Tattoo Article Criticism

  1. Was pretty offended when I first read the original article… Then got a full sleeve the next day. What a coincidence lol. But I think people should really think about what they say and maybe have another person read it before it was posted.

  2. christiebea29 says:

    Two wrongs don’t make a right. Words do hurt, for a very long time sometimes. But as the journalist writes once again, now she is acting as a victim. She wasn’t talking about her opinion of why SHE wouldn’t get a tattoo, and HER feelings of what a tattoo conveys. She wasn’t talking about HER feelings of personal self growth and happiness. She was acting as a single council telling her opinion that tattoos make women classless, and that we were better off mall clothes shopping, fingernail painting, high heel wearing girls. It doesn’t matter what the other article said. Her article was judgmental of women with tattoos, plain and simple. Clearly the article bothered a lot of people, including me, so much so that some chose to stoop to her level. It happens. Maybe an apology would have sounded better than playing the victim. No one made her choose to be in the media. Journalism carries responsibility, and if you write something that attacks a lot of people, be prepared for the backlash.

    • Haley says:

      The way I see it, many of the people stooped well below her level. If people are upset that she expressed an opinion that tattoos aren’t classy, it is not helping their cause to go to such hateful extremes with the name-calling and degradation. That is not acceptable on any terms. I think that she has a right to be shaken by some of the comments she received, I do not view that as “playing the victim.” Her language and opinion were not as hateful as what she received in return plain and simple. Everyone deserves to have an opinion, and if the people who post in these blogs are as confident in their lifestyle as they say they are then it shouldn’t matter that much what this one girl says. At least not enough to send her nasty hate-mail.

  3. joshua says:

    God bless america and our “freedom” of speech. I think its ridiculous that people are personally attacking her for an opinion. I get scrutinized all the time for voiceing my opinion. And those who attack me personally are generally ignorant and uneducated. I’m a firm beilever in agreeing to disagree. Shame on all the ignorant idiots that took a young womans well deserved opinion and turning it into a huge ignorant personal bashing. By the way I have almost $10,000 worth of colorful tattoos all over my body. I don’t agree with her opinion on tattoos but I respect it.

  4. Ron says:

    The real issue with the article was that you didn’t just say you don’t like tattoos. You gave the impression that buying shoes and expensive clothes was a better alternative. If you would have wrote 1 sentence saying you didn’t like tattoos, nothing would have happened. Telling people to spend money on their looks in other ways made it sound like you thought one of the Real Housewives shows was the way to go. Most people get tattoos to commemorate something important to them. Something more important than a push up bra.

    • robin says:

      great way of putting it.

      • Jess says:

        Good thing this happened then at 19 and early on in your learnings. I find nothing wrong with people stating opinions, I just believe if you feel you reserve the right to make such brash comments, you should have some facts to back them up. Never once in your article did you say it was merely how you personally felt about tattoos. You made a judgment call that unless I shop in a mall with my girl friends drinking non fat soy macchiatos with virgin skin discussing what’s “trendy” I’m classless. As I stated in my previous rebutle, I am coverd from head to toe in tattoos and find that most are drawn to me, not repulsed. I do not pass judgement on your own looks, that WOULD be classless of me. I merely think you should be more open to your surrounding and opposing cultures ESPECIALLY if you are looking to a fruitful career in journalism. I was offended by what you said, and I reserve the right to have felt that way. You want people to now feel sympathetic towards your age and upbringing and all that tells me is what is clear, you are young and naive to the world around you. My own family ranges from blue collar workers to Wall Street millionaires and no where in between have they ever said I am unworthy of their company based on what I chose to do to my body. My only sympathy for you is that in the age of technology your biased opinion went viral and you were not to learn in a class of your peers, but from your thousands of viewers. Learn to think before you speak and gather facts before you pass critisms as harsh as this of others.

    • Ashley says:

      Awesome way of putting it. I have tattoos and a push up bra… each for vastly different reasons.

  5. Joe says:

    This in response to the origanal articles feedback. Looks as if a lesson was learned. It is what it is. I found her point of view narrow and close minded on the subject. Opinions shouldnt be based on outlook alone. Facts and information is needed to form an educated opinion. Understanding the reasons why a person gets a tattoo would have been a good place to start. Maybe a few discussions with some artists would have enlightened her outlook. A tattoo in a sense is a projection of ones ideas, personality, and often times feelings. What do you say to the young lady who gets a tattoo on the back to draw attention away from a surgical scar that stretches the spinal column. What about the people who used to be cutters that when they feel the need to cut they get a tattoo instead.

    • Haley says:

      As she stated in this piece, her original article was not meant to stand alone. It was meant to counter a piece that would have described all of the great reasons for getting tattoos. It was meant to be an opinion piece, her job was not to research and present all of that information, as those would have been arguments for the other perspective. I would challenge all of the people who called her first piece narrow-minded to read both of the articles as they were presented in the newspaper. Publications often use two pieces to illustrate a more complete picture of a situation or topic of interest.

  6. mariesa says:

    Or she should just pick another profession since she obviously sucks at journalism…and life.

  7. Nancie Jones says:

    We all have a right to our opinion, it is how we express it that disturbs others — I love tattoos as I feel they are a personal expression, no worse than pierced ears… If you would rather buy expensive clothes, shoes, etc, be my guest – but PLEASE do not tell me how to spend my money, I earned it, I pay my bills, feed my family and if I want to splurge and put a memory on my arm or leg so be it… back off barbie… you could be a lot nicer in expressing your opinions… do people bad mouth you for NOT getting a tattoo and blowing your money on clothes and ‘stuff’ ? I doubt anyone really gives a rip…. move on….

  8. Ashley says:

    I think it’s admirable that she at least attempts an apology for the original article. Even if she does fumble through a bit and play the victim somewhat, I think her best case in her quest for forgiveness is that she is, in fact, a 19-year-old college kid who perhaps thought she had a lot figured out, and now maybe realizes she does not. While it doesn’t erase what she said, it shed some light on why she may have thought it was a good idea in the first place.

    I think that some of the responses were really awesome and made some very good points, and it was great to see so many people stand up for tattoos and those who love them. Joe above says some really great things particularly. Criticizing the article as poorly written and ill-researched, especially when the writer has limited or no experience with the medium, is very valid. Telling someone to “back off” of trampling on your lifestyle is TOTALLY justifiable. Saying that the author’s stance seems closed-minded,sexist, ignorant, and offensive is legitimate. And the personal accounts of how tattoos added to people’s happiness were touching. Thumbs up in my opinion to all of that.

    I also think some people made some really terrible comments and I found them just as offensive as the original article; calling someone a cunt, ugly, or telling them to kill themselves (ugh!) not only does not make a case against her argument, it supports it. It supports the idea that just because you don’t like something (like, say, a tattoo), it’s okay to trample all over it (as she did in her article). And whatever she said in her writing, I’d hate to know that something I wrote caused someone pain to the point where they had a breakdown or worse, tried to hurt themselves. I know her article made me feel pretty irate because of it’s ignorance. But I wouldn’t want to continue that cycle onward with personal attacks. I found those comments disheartening, particularly the comment about tying her down. Ugh. Awful. Made my heart sink.

    Clearly she can at least recognize she made a mistake in being so presumptuous. It takes at least some courage to admit when you are wrong, possibly a lot. As a heavily tattooed female and a tattoo artist, I like when others can see that tattooed people are not monsters who desicrate themselves and the world around them, but people just like anyone else, and deserve respect like any other person. Maybe this experience plants that seed for her, and others who read the article and responses. And maybe we can see that she is a person too, who, just like any of us, can make a mistake, and can realize that mistake and be forgiven.

    This article created some really great dialogue, good to see so many people (people without tattoos too even! awesome!) rally in support of tattoos. Thanks so much for posting it.

  9. David DeMar says:

    Nice to see a follow-up! Ms. Khoury has learned a valuable lesson, I’m sure.

  10. Aaron says:

    You are my new hero. I’m a tattoo artist. I was more upset that you used the word “nowadays” than your actual opinion. I’m already used to the sideways glances I get in the supermarket for having full sleeves.

  11. Tammi says:

    The fact that she still continues to refer to people with tattoos as a “subculture” speaks volumes in itself. Those of us who chose to adorn not just our walls w/ beautiful art but our bodies as well, are in no way a subculture we are surgeons, nurses, military, firefighters, police, lawyers, principals, teachers, grocers, writers, photographers, mothers, fathers, grandparents and your neighbors. You would almost be hard pressed to find someone not tattooed. She says do you get anything from a tattoo. Ask a woman who has had a double mastectomy that covers her scars with tattoos what she gets out of it. I dare you to call her classless bc she chose to, as Lisa puts it ruin her “temple” bc a deadly disfiguring disease has robbed her of a part of herself. Lisa continues to show her complete lack of knowledge of women in general and the ones who are beautiful with their tattoos. Maybe when she grows up and gets a clue that material objects aren’t what makes a woman beautiful but how comfortable she is in her own skin be it tattooed or not.

  12. Coco says:

    I just say inform yourself prior to writing. Have u spoken to anyone who has been tattooed? I help run our family’s tattoo shop and I hear daily why people get the art that they do. Have u talked eth anyone prior to writing this or is it atrictly your assumption of the tattoo world? A good journalist yes will prompt conversation with their writing but should back it up with research first.

  13. Alex De Koker says:

    You keep making mistakes as a journalist …. first ..get to know what you’re talking about!! mix with various tattooed people and tattoo artists THEN write your article! i guess that wasn’t your job you only needed “the woman stance” ??? at least then you’ve should have searched for some backup from losers who got the wrong tattoo! to me it sounds like your carreer just jump started … from a cliff

  14. carl says:

    you were thoughtless enough to believe that your opinion in whatever in context would be taken in the right manor. But at least you have tried to rectify your mistake, however i agree with other comments now playing a victims apology after the fact is irrellevant would you have apologised if you hadnt got all the hate mail? No, you wouldnt have it wouldve just been another article by another journalist.
    you may have learned your lesson but you also mae alot of enemies i hope when the time comes and you apply for a job its not a tattooed female editor in charge.

  15. Duff says:

    I agree with the comments above, personally I think your first mistake was a poorly researched article. Your piece wasn’t so much a carefully crafted piece of journalism more a poorly thought out high school essay. Sweeping statements, personal opinions and cliches throughout the whole piece. Intentional or not you attacked a whole community and if you had bothered to look at it in any depth you would have realized a tight knight community at that. It’s not a “subculture” anymore take two minutes to google a clothing company and try find one that doesn’t have at least a model with tattoos. Television shows,DVDs, magazines, conventions its all in front of you if you bother to look. I can see already that your reply to the response you got from your article is going to ripped to shreds already again purely because the piece above is nothing more than you trying to portray yourself as a victim. I don’t agree with the personal attacks on your from various readers it saddens me that people feel the need to do that. However it doesn’t detract from the fact you attacked a community from what comes across as a very shallow and misinformed standpoint that seems to be heavily influenced by mainstream “pop culture.” I suggest in the fallout from your mistake you take the opportunity to learn more about about a subject and your chosen career path.

  16. Hi can you give me the link to the article as I am doing my photojournalism on the subject. This would be a great piece of research and to see another opinion. Thanks

  17. Pingback: Randy Savage’s not dead – he’s fighting evil. In another dimension. « Amateur Professional

  18. I’m a female tattooer and had not seen this article before… so I went and read her “Why Put a Bumper Sticker on a Ferrari?”. You know… the way it was written does sound very condisending towards women who decide to get tattoos. Yes I am more happy with the artwork that I have adorned on my body for over a decade now and no I do not think any less of myself. Women are beautiful creatures but our temple is OUR temple and we can do with it what we like. That is the beauty of being an individual. Make sure when you write your stories that they don’t sound too one sided unless that’s how you’re wanting it to be. There are more people getting tattooed today than almost anything else. I would say you’re in the minority my dear.

  19. grimm says:

    Sounds more like you got knocked off your elitist horse and are now trying to shove a false apology down our throats to not look like the scum pig we all see you as. Typical journalist.

  20. Heather says:

    @ Lisa Khoury

    In journalism “school” they teach that words are powerful and can do harm. You should have known that as a student of journalism. I learned that almost immediately in school.

    Reporting should be concise, factual, and free of personal bias. Opinion pieces, while simply an individuals opinion, should still be concise. If you didn’t mean the words you wrote initially, which I’m convinced you did, as a journalist you KNOW words are powerful tools, then you shouldn’t have written them as they were.

    No matter what is written, once it’s submitted for public reading, you are at the mercy of the individual interpretations of the masses. So, as a writer, I’m confused that you weren’t aware of how words can be such a powerful tool, and can cause people to react to them. You stated precisely that in your above “apology”, which sounds as empty and trite as your developing college mind.

  21. Melanie C. says:

    To those of you that are writing only insults toward Lisa (which, mind you, should be geared toward her ARTICLE, not her personal SELF), knock it off. Lisa’s ignorant to the tattoo world and rather than throwing useless insults that lack tact and information, help her gain knowledge so that if nothing else, she has alternative perspectives. Odds are, she won’t agree with them but she IS a human and while I agree that her article wasn’t well thought out or researched, nor did it involve any real effort or research, it’s DEFINITELY a learning experience for her.

    YOU are the reason THAT she is so ignorant to the tattooed women in this world. YOU are the reason she wrote such a judgmental article. Want someone to debate with? Give them something TO debate. She only knows what she knows and if you’re only throwing insults rather than information, she’s going to continue only knowing what she knows.

    You don’t HAVE to justify your reasons for covering your body in tattoos. I don’t justify mine. I have my reasons and ultimately, it really only matters to me, why I have them and what they mean. HOWEVER, you do not have to toss useless insults; she’s never going to gain any insight into why we choose to do what we do with our bodies if all you’re doing is insulting her aesthetics. And really, that’s just plain childish. If you want others to at minimal, accept you and all of your tattooed glory, then treat them the way you expect to be treated.

  22. bob bagodoughnuts says:

    Her follow up article “Why all black people are criminals” should prove to be just as riviting.

    • Jess says:

      Well played, I also look forward to her equally rivetting article of “Why Mexicans Should Only Be Allowed Jobs in Manual Labor.”

  23. Codie says:

    OK OK so all you people want to bitch saying it’s her right to opinion, and we shouldn’t say mean things to her? Well her article didn’t sound like an opinion to me, it sounded like a polite attack on women with tattoos. Did you ever stop and think that peoples reasponses were opinions as well? Harsh and a little overboard maybe but a personal opinion none the less. We have people here talking about our freedoms and rights as Americans then they turn around and bash people for using them same rights. I think the girl has some serious issues and so do alot of people who reasponded but none the less she wrote what she wrote and can’t even stand behind what she wrote look at her pitty party she is throwing herself. Face facts you disrespect a big group of people these days and your going to feel the wrath. Most people with tattoos ranging from homeless people on the street to CEO’s of major comanies have tattoos and with the evolution of the wourld and technoligy they would like peoples stubborn opinions to evolve as well. I am done spending my time with this pointless article. OH just one last thing this girl looks like Sonny Moore (Skrillex) it’s crazy!

  24. Matt W says:

    I always found the ‘body is a temple’ argument to represent a thoroughly Puritanical understanding about what constitutes a temple. A brief glance through images of Catholic churhes, synagogues, Hindu and Buddist temples, religious shrines of various orders, and so on, tends to reveal one thing more than any other: that temples are there to be richly adorned. Indeed, the adornment of the temple is the elevation of a mere building towards etheral, divine beauty. Just look up in the Sistine Chapel and find all the evidence you ever need that temples are, for many, there to be adorned. Why not, therefore, get tattooed? Adorn your temple as it was designed to be!

  25. Axle says:

    This is the classiest I can be considering I’m covered in tattoos. This article contains as much crap in it as your first one.

    Oh. And your words didn’t hurt me. At all. Your opinions amuse me and I pity your ignorance on this matter. I do find it frustrating that you consider yourself qualified to publish an opinion on a topic you have absolutely no knowledge about. Maybe you should just start a Bieber fan blog. Probably more your speed.

  26. Mike_88 says:

    Bad publicity is publicity none the less. Reaching these numbers on the web is huge. You need to get some advertising up regardless of the situation and get paid. Your career isn’t over as you now can bring in big numbers wherever you go. It isn’t proper etiquette to say anything negative about a person that is permanent. Good luck!

  27. Haley says:

    She may have offended people, but the extremity of the personal attacks on her were unwarranted. Even after reading this follow-up article many of those leaving comments are forgetting some important things that she stated in the article.

    First, her article was taken completely out of context. She didn’t just decided to go write an article about tattoos because she felt like offending some people that day. She was asked by another journalist to write a COUNTER piece to an article that was pro-tattoos. In the original publication these two articles were shown side by side. So for everyone that attacks her for not presenting all the positive points about tattoos in her article, that was not her job in writing this article because all of those points would have been detailed in the companion piece.

    Before you attack her again, remember that journalists don’t always get complete artistic freedom, in the newspaper world if you are asked to write the counter argument, that’s what you do. Please realize that the article that you read on the blog was not meant to show the complete picture, that’s why when they were published there were two.

    I think it’s sad the number of people that are still berating this girl for sharing the opinion that she was asked to share, and she has a right to share. She didn’t call any one a cunt, or tell anyone to go kill themselves. If you disagree with her opinion that tattooed women aren’t classy, nasty name-calling is not the best way to prove her wrong. I have several tattoos, and I do feel that they have enriched my life. I am also confident enough that a negative opinion from a college journalist doesn’t make me so upset that I have to go personally attack her in a worse way. Think, why do you care THAT much what this one girl thinks.

  28. xGregx says:

    Ok, she’s young, ignorant, blah blah blah, let’s get back to some kick-ass tattoo news. Everyone should check out This new book is a collection of tattoos, art and profiles on the Straight Edge tattoo artists around the world. Less hate, more tattoos!

  29. rebatra says:

    I realize she’s a young journalist, but acting as the victim in this scenario further incites my anger. Not only was her original article never clearly identified as a counterpoint, her POV never reflected her supposed desire to reflect how she lives. Her voice was judgmental and elitist. While I agree that those who disagree with her shouldn’t stoop to name-calling, she should consider how sexist, anti-feminist, and fraught her entire argument was. People are angry because she clearly didn’t do research for her original piece and she was highly offensive to the entire tattoo community. I appreciate her attempt to explain, but she just doesn’t get it.

    • Matt W says:

      ok, the fact that her article was never ‘clearly identified as a counterpoint’ is surely a reference to how you first encountered the article, by which time it had already been taken out of context. If that is the case, which I believe it is, then your beef, as it were, is not with the author of the piece but with whoever presented it to you.
      Also, that she ‘clearly didn’t do research’ is again not really a valid complaint that you can make. It was an opinion piece, not a research piece. If she had claimed to have researched the article and then offered no evidence to suggest that this was true, then you can complain. As it is, I really don’t see how you can.
      You can disagree with her opinion but you cannot complain about the fact that it was voiced or about the manner and context in which it was voiced. She may have (and in my opinion did) express some unpalatable views. Those views may have (and probably were) indicative of a larger set of values held by people who do not like tattoos and who, by extension, do not like tattooed people. The views that author expressed were at the mild end of this spectrum. She did not, for instance, imply that tattooed people are likely to be criminals or less intelligent than their non-tattooed counterparts. She did not reinforce her viewpoints with bogus research. At no point did she claim that what she wrote was anything other than her opinion.
      She does not worry me. People who were offended by what she wrote don’t worry me. However, people who believe that just because they have been offended (even, as in this case, when that offence is indirect) that they then have a right to pursue the individual responsible worry me. A culture of offence that exists on the internet worries me. People are not, as you say, angry because she didn’t research her piece; people are angry because someone linked an article to them and told them to be angry about it. They saw that other people were angry, and that encouraged them to be more extreme in their expressions of their anger. What you effectively say is that since people’s anger was the result of her poor research it is understandable that this person received hate mail and death threats. Really? I think this girl gets ‘it’ just fine.

  30. Pingback: Ignorance is not for the faint of heart. | Tales from the bathroom stall

  31. tattooedheather says:

    Now she knows what its like to be a thoughtless writer getting corrected. She didn’t write that article based on how she feels about tattoos on herself…but how she views women with them….of course a non tattooed person is going to create something like this. She also failed to realize tattoos are clothes for people that have them….I love my art and would rather wear them then clothes anyday of the week! Maybe she should take the hint and not write opinion articles.

  32. pat says:

    Welcome to the internet, harsh place when you can say what you want behind a computer. The best thing about an article going viral? in a minute everyone will forget about it. You said your piece, and its done.

    • pat says:

      The worse part about the whole “playing the victim” thing, you’re starting a career in journalism, and we live in an age now where potential employers are going to google you to find out anything they can, this could be pretty bad for a future career, but you get that.

  33. krhbrvk gracfge ncquet dkjqwcfo kowmyvs

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